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Earthworks begin at Te Rā Fields

1 December 2024

Last Friday, Watchman Residential, alongside mana whenua- Tura Ngati Te Ngakau Iwi Hapu Trust, Ngati Ngararanui, and Ngati Rangiwewehi - conducted a blessing at the site of the new residential development at 31 Ngongotahā Road, now named Te Rā Fields. This ceremony marked a significant milestone, paving the way for earthworks to commence.

The site of Te Rā Fields reflects the wheuna awa (river plains) and the spiritual significance of the tupuna maunga Ngongotahā, often called the "sunny side of the mountain." This connection symbolises a bright path toward prosperity and health for the Ngongotahā community.

Earthworks for Stage 1a will begin in early December on the southwestern section of the site near the railway line. This phase includes initial land preparation and the installation of essential site infrastructure, with completion anticipated by mid-2025. Construction of the first homes in Stage 1a will begin in 2025, with the first homes ready for occupancy in 2026. In total, Stage 1a will deliver 87 homes. The project will progress in stages over the next decade, with full completion expected by 2034.

To honour the mana of the awa Waiteti and ensure the cultural, environmental, and spiritual integrity of the area, Watchman Residential will collaborate closely with iwi. A site induction will be undertaken to establish monitoring guidelines and cultural observation processes throughout the earthworks.

The project incorporates feedback from the community received during the resource consent process, including:

  • Adding two access points onto Ngongotahā Road to improve traffic flow.

  • Conducting extensive flood modelling to ensure all homes are built above identified flood levels.

  • Creating a wetland to restore the area’s original natural features and assist with flood management.

We appreciate your continued support as we take this important step toward delivering much-needed housing for the Ngongotahā community.